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My Collections

A major work in progress! Currently working on: Bookmarks.


If you want to trade/buy something in these categories please contact me directly.



Last updated: 10-Feb-2022




atc and aceo art cards by others (54)
badges, toy police/fire (12)
beautiful barrettes, for wearing (26)
beermats, branded cardboard coasters (in the 20's)
bookmarks, vintage, from bookstores and more (44)
bookplates, paper, rescued (20+)
books (10,000+)
business cards, current, vintage or unusual (uncounted)
cat related (uncounted)
cigarette packs vintage (27) [box is lost/unfound]
cigarette/cigar lighters, unusual or vintage (uncounted)
coins, tokens, wooden nickels (uncounted)
fancy brooches for wearing (13)
fountain pens (12)
funny money, paper (12)
gadgets, electronic, vintage (uncounted)
geocaching sig cards, found (141)

geocaching sig cards, made (35)
id cards, licenses, passports (20+)
keys, vintage (100's)
lenticular cards, artwork (10-ish)
linux os, modern stickers/vintage memorabilia (uncounted)
mannequins (5, down from 9)
maps, charts (30-ish)
midis, digital, for PNO player pianos (2k+)
mini dogs from gumball machines (29)
mini knives, ladies vintage pocket knives (12)
nixie clocks (1)
numismatic isis / isis depicted on coins, digital coll. (39) [lost folder]
ouija boards & planchettes, vintage (6)
paua shell inlay, pens/barrettes/jewelry/lighter (21)
pens, company branded (12)
photographs vintage/antique (>500)
pop up books (231) open for sale/trade
postcards, clean/unused for mailing/swapping (hundreds, always in flux)
random things found in books; tickets/letters/grocery lists (100's)
red rubber stamps (too many) open to sell/trade
restaurant menus (50+)
rocks, fluorescent, longwave and shortwave uv minerals (<100)
rocks, minerals, crystals (uncountable)
shells (uncountable)
shoes, miniature, [mothers collection] glass/wood etc (800+) for sale or trade
silicone stamps (just the right amount)
smashed / elongated pennies (79)
spent giftcards (50ish)
stamps (uncountable, trading as requested)
sunglasses (26)
swag from geocaches (uncounted)
tarot cards / divination card sets (12)
telephones, vintage analog (9)
ticket stubs (movies, concerts, events, etc) (uncounted)
tiffany style lamps (7)
transportation tickets, airline, train, etc (100's)
usb sticks, specialty/unusual (5)
vinyl records (8000+ ready for sale or trade!)
webdolls, digital (76)
wolves, pictures, cards, etc (uncounted)


© 2021 by Barbara Ann Leach Claridge

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